Book Talk: Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (Book 31)

Today I'm grumpy because this book wasn't longer, because there wasn't more to read, and because I already finished it!  And I don't own it so I don't get to read it again!

The book was Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, and I really, really enjoyed it.

Book 30!

Today I'm grumpy because writing spoiler free book reviews can be very frustrating!  I will try my best to avoid spoilers, but if I do include any they will be clearly labelled or hidden or what have you.  To be totally honest spoilers don't usually bother me and I don't really go out of my way to avoid them.  But!  For instances where the spoilers would ruin a big twist, or where knowing something beforehand takes all the fun out of the experience (for a mystery, thriller, et cetera), I hate spoilers!  So this book, book 30, is one of those instances because the final twist surprised me - which almost never happens - and I really think that the book would be ruined (or if not ruined pretty disappointing) if you knew what happened in advance.

So!  Here is the 30th book I read this year: The Last Time I Lied by Riley Sager. 

Book 27, 28, 29 of 2018

Today I'm grumpy because instead of reading the books in my TBR pile - or the books I have checked out already from the library - I keep finding new books to read!  Here are the last three I finished.

I enjoy YA books even now as an adult, but this book sort of drove home the point that... it wasn't really meant for me. I didn't dislike it, but it definitely wasn't one of my favorites, either.  The book was There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins.