
Contemporary-a-Thon TBR!

So!  At the very last minute I decided to participate in the Contemporary-A-Thon!  Which is a readathon for contemporary books.  Find the hosts on YouTube - their announcement videos for the challenge are herehere, and here.  Can I do it?  Probably not!  Is that going to stop me?  No!

A readathon, for those who don't know, is exactly what it says on the tin: an excuse to read - a lot - over a set period of time.  This readathon lasts from September 17 (today) through September 23.  There are seven challenges.  This is a chance for many to read 7 in 7 days, though of course you can double up on the challenges and use one book for more than one.  I'm going to try to read seven, though with a full time job, and a five month old baby, and with the Spider-Man game burning a hole in our PS4, well, uh.  Let's just say I don't have a lot of confidence I'll get it done!  Luckily a lot of my books cover more than one category, so I'm fairly confident I can still complete the challenge.

So what will I be reading?

1. Orange on the cover  -  Turtles All the Way Down by John Green
I've actually wanted to read this one for awhile, so I figured now was a perfect excuse.

2. Dark/Taboo/Spooky - Lethal White by Robert Galbraith
This is only coming out the 18th and I was going to read it anyway, so of course I had to put it on my list!  I'm pretty sure I'll finish this one in a day.  (It can also count as my 5-star prediction read as well.)  It counts as dark because it's a mystery - according to a synopsis, someone reports a murder he witnessed as a child.  I don't know anything else about it, but I enjoyed the rest of the series so I'm excited!

3. Diverse - Pride by Ibi Zoboi
This is also coming out the 18th so whether or not I get to read it depends on if anyone else puts a hold on it at the library.

4. Non-traditional format - The Martian by Andy Weir (on audiobook)
I've been sort of intending to read this one for awhile, as well, and since I decided to read an audiobook for my "non-traditional format" (I almost never read audiobooks), I figured I'd read something I might not normally pick up as well.  This also counts as orange if I need it to, as well.

5. Initials on the Cover - Hope Never Dies by Andrew Shaffer
H D M: Hope Never Dies: an Obama-Biden Mystery

6. New to You Author - The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory
I had tried to start this before - got it from work - but I had to return it before I could read it.  I believe this is Guillory's first novel, so definitely new!

7. 5-Star Prediction - Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli
This one looks cute and I've heard good things about it.  This one is my last to read, so I'm not sure I'll get to it.  I think I'll enjoy it if I do, though!

If you're also doing contemporaryathon let me know!  And let me know what you thought if you read any of these.  Wish me luck!  My goal is all seven, but if I read three I'll still feel pretty good about it.  I'll be posting my progress here and on goodreads when I get the chance!

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